Conditions and characteristics of applying for SA8000 certification-The Leading Factory Audit & Inspection Consulting Company from China to Asia | TRANWIN


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Conditions and characteristics of applying for SA8000 certification

Source: TRANWIN 2019-06-10 17:06 by admin Conditions and characteristics of applying for SA8000 certification Read: 648

Conditions and characteristics for applying for SA8000 certification:

1. Prove that your company complies with national and local laws and regulations;

2. Check the company status according to the SA8000 inspection factory;

3. Enter the application process within one year.

Once the assessment agency accepts your application, you become an SA8000 applicant. Once you are fully prepared for the SA8000, you can proceed to schedule a pre-assessment forecast. If improvements are needed, you will be given sufficient time to improve your human resources, safety and management practices in accordance with the SA8000 standard. Applicants can be extended to 2 years if necessary.

The forecast is prepared for entry into the argumentation assessment. A specially trained local assessment team will come to your facility. They understand local laws, society, and speak the same language as your managers and workers. You have to provide a comprehensive history of the plant, and the assessor is free to talk to the employee and give you an opportunity to remedy if certain aspects of the plant's operations need improvement.

The assessment team will confirm that your factory is fully compliant with the standard and issue a SA8000 certificate. The certificate is valid for 3 years and is reviewed every 6 months. Request to extend once every 3 years

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