What are the environmental protection requirements of the Starbucks supplier's social responsibility-The Leading Factory Audit & Inspection Consulting Company from China to Asia | TRANWIN


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What are the environmental protection requirements of the Starbucks supplier's social responsibility

What are the environmental protection requirements of the Starbucks supplier's social responsibility standards?

Starbucks acknowledges that one of the important components of our environmental mission is to buy, sell and use environmentally friendly products. Starbucks suppliers must comply with all local environmental laws and regulations and must operate in a manner that preserves natural resources. All waste materials and production by-products must be disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner. Suppliers must establish and demonstrate safety practices and standards for identifying and handling hazardous waste.

1. Environmental permit and report. 

All necessary environmental permits (such as emissions regulation) and registration must be obtained, maintained and updated to comply with operational and reporting requirements.

2. Waste water and solid waste. 

Wastewater and solid waste generated in operations and industrial processes must be monitored, controlled and treated as required prior to discharge and disposal. There must be a wastewater monitoring record to compare with the permitted emission levels. A written plan to reduce water use that must be performed in all operations.

3. Prevent pollution and reduce resources. 

All types of waste, including water and energy, must be reduced or removed at the source, or reduced or removed by changing production, maintenance and facility procedures, material replacement, retention, recycling, and reuse of materials. There must be written waste prevention, waste reduction, recycling, energy conservation, and greenhouse gas reduction policies, as well as evidence of the performance that can be demonstrated. Records must be provided that illustrate the use of post-consumer recycled content materials. Must be implemented on all paper products: items using virgin fiber and post-consumer fiber. Unless it is impossible due to regulatory restrictions or operational restrictions, the paper product must contain no less than 30% post-consumer fiber.

4. Product content restrictions. 

Participants must comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding the prohibition and restriction of specific substances, including trademark laws (of countries of origin and countries of sale) and regulations for recycling and disposal.

5. Dangerous goods. 

Chemicals and other materials that are hazardous to the environment must be identified and managed to ensure safe handling, movement, storage, recycling or reuse, and emissions. Records of hazardous material handling must be maintained. A written policy that minimizes hazardous materials must be implemented.

6. Gas emissions. 

Prior to discharge, volatile organic chemicals, aerosols, corrosive substances, particulates, chemicals that deplete the aerobic layer, and after-products of combustion must be identified, monitored, controlled, and disposed of as required. There must be a gas emission monitoring record to compare with the allowed emission levels.

7. Wood products. 

There must be a written plan to maximize the use of wood from forest management committee (FSC) certified, sustainably managed forests, with evidence of execution that can be demonstrated. All solid wood used for flooring, furniture, cabinets, etc. must be certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC).

The above seven points are the major content of environmental protection of the social responsibility standards of the Starbucks suppliers.

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