What are the main parts of GRS certification?-The Leading Factory Audit & Inspection Consulting Company from China to Asia | TRANWIN


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What are the main parts of GRS certification?

Source: 2019-09-04 08:56 by admin What are the main parts of GRS certification? Read: 1249

There are four parts for GRS certification: product regeneration component and supply chain requirements, social responsibility part, environmental part and chemical part.

Product regenerative ingredients and supply chain requirements:

1. Recycle products with a content of 20% or more.

2.The declared recycled materials shall follow a complete and verified chain of custody from the input to the final product.

Social responsibility part:

1. Workers employed by companies involved in the production of GRS products are protected by strong social responsibility policies.

2. The GRS social requirements are based on the principles of the Global Social Responsibility Compliance Program. In all cases, international labour standards, national and/or local legislation or the most stringent GRS requirements should not be applied in accordance with applicable law.

Environmental part:

1. Companies involved in the production of GRS products should be highly environmentally conscious.

2. The environmental requirements of the GRS apply to all businesses within the certification organization. In all cases, the most stringent national and/or local regulations or GRS requirements apply.

3. Regular monitoring/testing of wastewater generated by the plant.

Chemical part:

1. Chemicals used to produce GRS products do not cause unnecessary harm to the environment or workers.

2. GRS is only applicable to the use and management of chemicals in the manufacturing process of GRS products. This standard does not apply to the entire facility, but only to the production of GRS products. GRS does not involve chemicals present in the final product because it does not control any chemicals that may be present in the recycled product used as the initial input in the GRS production chain.

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