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GRS audit checklist

Source: 2019-09-04 09:38 by admin GRS audit checklist Read: 12937

GRS audit checklist is as follows:


Facility Name 
No Document Name Document   Available
Recycled Material Requirement
1 Quality   Manual and Procedures Y   N
2 Certified   product list/GRS product specification Y   N
3 BOM/formula/composition   of the certified products Y   N
4 Processing   flow-chart of the certified products  Y   N
5 An   inventory of incoming materials of the products to be inspected Y   N
6 The   list of all suppliers and periodical evaluation record Y   N
7 Calculation   record Y   N
8 Valid   Reclaimed Material Supplier Agreement and Reclaimed Material Declaration Form   for each reclaimed materials from suppliers if suitable Y   N
9 Business   permit for operation of reclaimed materials from each suppliers if   suitable  Y   N
10 GRS/RCS   scope certficates from each suppliers of recycled materials Y   N
11 Valid   transation certificate (TC) of all recycled material from suppliers  if suitable  Y   N
12 Production cleaning   record Y   N
13 Purchase   order and invoice Y   N
14 Delivery note of   recycled raw materials from supplier Y   N
15 Incoming raw material   acceptance inspection record Y   N
16 Stock   in and out record for all reclaimed/ recycled materials Y   N
17 Production   records of each product to be certified Y   N
18 Product   delivery record  Y   N
19 Sales   contract and contract review, Sales invoice Y   N
20 Roles   and responsibilities in the production of GRS products Y   N
21 Appoint   a management representative or appropriate personnel  Y   N
22 Traing   Reocrd of production of GRS products and responsibilities Y   N
23 Calibration   record or report of measuring devices, gauge and test equipment Y   N
24 Effective   handling process of customer complaints and records Y   N
Chemical management 
1 Written   chemical management policy  Y   N
2 An   approved supplier list for chemicals used Y   N
3 Supplier   letter and confirmation from suppliers Y   N
4 List   of approved chemicals Y   N
5 Management   control procedures of approved chemicals Y   N
6 Test   reports or certificates of compliance  Y   N
7 Mechanism   of collecting the SDS Y   N
8 SDS   of each approved chemical Y   N
9 Mechanisms   of determining and managing chemical risks  Y   N
10 Chemical   risk assessment report /records Y   N
11 Documented   chemical handling procedure Y   N
12 Training   mechanism or plan Y   N
13 Training   records, including registration table and assessment methods Y  N
14 Training   packages E.g. presentations,   case studies, video, etc. Y  N
Environmental   requirement
1 EIA   report & approval; CAI report & approval Y   N
2 Water   use permit (if any) Y   N
3 Pollutant   Discharge Permit Y   N
4 Environmental   Management System Documents and Policy Y   N
5 Doument,   measure and  track controls for   indicators of energy use, water use, wastewater/effluent,emissions to air,   waste management Y   N
6 Facility   Master Plan Y   N
7 Annual   reduction plan on energy use Y   N
8 Annual   reduction plan on water use Y   N
9 Map   for Effluent and storm water pipeline,    wastewater flow direction and discharge points Y   N
10 Contractor   for off-site wastewater treatment Y   N
11 Wastewater/air   abatement facility/equipment operation and maintenance record. Y   N
12 Energy   and water consumption (monthly)  Y   N
13 Regular   wastewater quality testing/monitoring against all local legal requirements   and TE GRS V4.0 limits listed in Appendix D. (report cover Y   N
14 Wastewater   discharge data/testing report of Off-site wastewater treatment facility  Y   N
15 Inventory   of main point sources emissions to air Y   N
16 Regular   maintenance records of equipment containing ozone-depleting substances   (ODS)  Y   N
17 Environmental   Monitoring Report of air emissions Y   N
18 Waste   disposal contract (e.g. general industrial waste, hazardous waste) Y   N
19 Record   for waste generation and collection Y   N
20  Annual reduction plan on waste reduction Y   N
21 Training   on environmental policy, environmental risk, updated environmental   regulations/laws and environmental awareness Y   N
Social requirement
1 Business   license Y   N
2 Timecards   or Attendance Records (Last 12 months), including active employees and   resignation employees. If electronics time card is used, the auditor may need   to review the time record directly from the computer, with the assistance   from the facility staff Y   N
3 Payroll   Records (Last 12 months), including active employees and resignation   employees. If wage paid by Bank Transfer, Bank Transfer record is required   accordingly Y   N
4 Employee   roster and employee personnel records (including I.D. card copy) Y   N
5 Labor   Contract Y   N
6 Social Insurance Receipts (Last   12 months), Name List, Social Insurance Local Policy or Qualified Certificate   (when applicable), etc. Commercial insurance records (if any), e.g.   Commercial Insurance Policy, Commercial Insurance Receipts Y   N
7 Construction   Project Fire Safety Acceptance Document/ Record Y   N
8 Fire   Fighting and Emergency Evacuation Plan, Fire Drill Record, Work Accident   Records and Work-related Injury Record Y   N
9 The   operator certificate of automatic fire control system and maintenance   contract Y   N
10 Safety   training certificate for main responsible person, safety manager certificate Y   N
11 Special   Appliance (if any) Registration Certificate and Inspection Report, such as   Lift, Lifting Appliance, Inside Special Motor Vehicle, Boiler and Compressing   Equipment (including Gas Cylinders, Gauge and Safety Valve) and etc. Y   N
12 Special   Appliance Operator (if any) Certificate, such as Lift Operator/ Safety   Administrator, Lifting Appliance Operator, Inside Special Motor Vehicle   Driver, Boiler Operator, Compressing Equipment Operator and etc. Y   N
13 Special   Operation (if any) License, such as Electrician, Welder and etc. Y   N
14 Kitchen’s   Catering Service License and Cooks’ Health Certificate Y   N
15 Occupational   Hazards Factors Testing Report and Employee Occupational Health Examination   Report Y   N
16 Enterprise   Regulation or Employee Handbook (Including but not limit to, recruitment,   discrimination, forced labor, working hours, compensation & benefit,   disciplinary procedure, working conditions, health and safety, freedom of   association and collective bargaining) Y   N
17 Work   Safety Education and Training Records, such as Fire Safety Training, Work   Safety Rules and Post Safety Operation Procedure, Chemical Safety Training   Records, Occupational Health Training Y   N
18 Local   Minimum Wage Standard Y   N
19 Leave   Application Form, Resignation Application Form with Approval (Last 12 months) Y   N
20 Production   Records (Last 12 months), such as Daily Production Records, Send/ Receiving   Materials Records, Piece-rate Records, Quality Control Records, and etc. Y   N
21 Young   Worker’s Health Examination and Registration Records Y   N
22 Dispatched   Employees’ Personal Files with ID Card Copy, Attendance & Payroll   Records, Labor Contracts, Social Insurance Receipt & Certificates (when   applicable), Name List, Labor Dispatch Agreement, Labor Dispatch Business   License and Business Certificate of Labor Agent Y   N
23 Construction   Completion Acceptance Check Report/ Register, Building structural safety   inspection record  Y   N
24 Official   Comperhensive Working Hour System Approval, Non-fixed Working Hour System   Approval (when applicable) Y   N
25 If   Intern employed, please provide the list of Intern, Tripartite Agreement   signed by the school, the Facility and Students Y   N
26 If   foreigner employed, please provided the Foreigner Employment Permits and   Foreigner Employment License Y   N
27 Collective   Labor Agreement or Collective Bargaining Agreements (if any) Y   N


GRS Audit Checklist.pdf

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The Leading Factory Audit Consulting Company from China to Asia
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