The basic knowledge of GRS certification-The Leading Factory Audit & Inspection Consulting Company from China to Asia | TRANWIN


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The basic knowledge of GRS certification

Source: 2019-09-04 09:08 by admin The basic knowledge of GRS certification Read: 1140

The basic knowledge of GRS certification is as follows for your reference:

The ownership of GRS : Textile Exchange;

GRS certification access conditions: the proportion of recycled components of certified products ≥ 20%;

GRS logo & label use and special statement: the proportion of recycled components in the production products is ≥ 50% (apply to the certification body or the final buyer planning to hang the GRS logo on the product, who should pay special attention);

GRS traceability principle: If company A wants to apply for GRS certification, then A supplier should also have GRS certificate. When performing GRS certification, its supplier should provide GRS certificate and TC (except the factory with the most source of industry chain)

Post-consumer recycled materials: Materials produced by household or commercial, industrial, and institutional facilities as end-product users that are no longer available for their intended use. Includes materials recovered from the distribution chain. That is, materials that are recycled by consumers after consumption.

Pre-consumer recycled material: Material that is transferred from the waste stream during the manufacturing process. Reuse of certain materials, such as rework, regrind, or residuals that are produced during processing and that are reused during the same process. That is, materials that are not recycled by consumers.

Reproducing ratio: The proportion of recycled material by mass in the product or package. Only pre-consumer and post-consumer materials are considered as recycled content.

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