What is the good cotton supply chain supervision model?-The Leading Factory Audit & Inspection Consulting Company from China to Asia | TRANWIN


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What is the good cotton supply chain supervision model?

Source: 2019-09-24 09:15 by admin What is the good cotton supply chain supervision model? Read: 682

What is the good cotton supply chain supervision model?

The good cotton supply chain supervision model of the whole supply chain is composed of physical separation and stacking and processing supply chain supervision mode and import and export balance supply chain supervision mode.

Inbound and outbound balance supply chain supervision mode, good cotton and ordinary cotton can replace each other. BCI's supply chain supervision model (MBA model) applies to all supply chain companies after the ginning plant to (including) retailers. For any business, the amount of physical cotton sold as good cotton products (distribution of BCCUs) does not exceed the amount of cotton purchased as good cotton products (obtaining BCCUs) (taking into account the relevant manufacturing rates).

This is a quantity-based management traceability system. The actual quantity of good physical cotton is not subject to the declaration of the corresponding number of BCCUs.

The inbound and outbound balance model that applies after the ginning process does not require the BCCU to continue to have any relationship with the physical good cotton originally from the licensed BCI farmers. This means that cotton products can be distributed with a certain amount of good cotton (associated with BCCU), but do not necessarily contain any good cotton lint materials.

Physical separation and processing supply chain supervision mode, at the cotton field and ginning level, good cotton and ordinary cotton must be separated at all stages of harvesting, storage, transportation and processing. Ordinary cotton and good cotton must not be mixed or replaced. Good cotton must be clearly labeled (eg using signage and records). All good cotton lint sold at the ginning mill must be 100% produced from cotton grown from licensed BCI farmers (produced in accordance with good cotton principles and standards) and must be traceable to licensed BCI farmers. The ginning factory "the total weight of good cotton lint sold on the BCP platform must match the total quantity of good cottonseed cotton purchased to match the clothing ratio.

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