Disney supplier manual-The Leading Factory Audit & Inspection Consulting Company from China to Asia | TRANWIN


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Disney supplier manual

Source: 2019-06-15 16:46 by admin Disney supplier manual Read: 887

We believe our business relationships must rest on a foundation of honesty,integrity, fairness and consistency in all our practices. Compliance with all lawsand regulations applicable to our business and upholding the highest ethicalstandards have always been fundamental goals of The Children's Place. To thatend, our Social Compliance Program is designed to promote compliance withlegal requirements, as well as ethical and socially responsible business practicesin every aspect of our business. Our commitment to supplying our customerswith high quality merchandise at prices that represent great value in themarketplace requires every person associated with The Children's Place betreated with integrity and that every product we offer is of the highest quality. Assuch, we develop business relationships with carefully selected suppliers whoshare our commitment to the highest standards of integrity.

The Corporate Compliance program is in place to ensure that all our suppliersintegrate our corporate compliance standards into their sourcing andmanufacturing practices.

Education and Training

We believe that education and training of both our own associates and oursuppliers are key factors in ensuring the successful implementation of ourcompliance program. We strongly believe in meetings and training as essentialtools to promote understanding and compliance with our requirements.

We also believe that continued communication is a critical tool for the successfulimplementation and sustainability of our program. Accordingly, we encourageour associates and suppliers to contact us for any questions or concerns withregard to the program.

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ADD: No. 655 Yinxiang Road, Nanxiang Town, Jiading District, Shanghai

The Leading Factory Audit Consulting Company from China to Asia
Copyright: SHANGHAI TRANWIN MANAGEMENT CONSULTING CO.,LTD. ADDRESS: No. 655 Yinxiang Road, Nanxiang Town, Jiading District, Shanghai TEL: 021-51029391 400-680-0016 E-mail: chaowang@tranwin.org