10 characteristics of organic cotton GOTS certification -The Leading Factory Audit & Inspection Consulting Company from China to Asia | TRANWIN


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10 characteristics of organic cotton GOTS certification

Source: TRANWIN 2019-06-13 13:57 by admin 10 characteristics of organic cotton GOTS certification Read: 961

The Global Organic Textile Standard Certification is referred to as the GOTS certification, which gives you an overview of the 10 characteristics:

1. The production cost of 1 kg of organic cotton is about two to three times higher than that of ordinary cotton.

2. India and Turkey are the world's largest producers of organic cotton; the United States is the world's largest consumer of organic cotton.

3. Differentiate one of the organic cotton standards: whether the product has an organic certification mark.

4. China is a global cotton producer and consumer, but China's organic cotton production accounts for about 0.01% of total cotton production. The products are mainly used for export.

5. Insecticides and fertilizers are prohibited during the cultivation of organic cotton.

6. The seeds of organic cotton must not be genetically modified.

7. Organic cotton can be dyed with plant dyes to make the final colorful organic clothing, textiles and other products.

8. Domestically reliable organic cotton producers include: Mecilla, Esquel, etc., of which the Xinjiang Construction Corps effectively produces organic cotton.

9. Colored cotton is not equal to organic cotton.

10. organic cotton It can only represent the raw materials of clothing is organic, all links from harvesting, warehousing, ginning, spinning, weaving, dyeing, finishing, tailoring, sewing, etc. are non-polluting, pollution-free; final product It is also pollution-free and pollution-free.

The purpose of GOTS certification is to ensure the standardization of organic textiles from raw materials to processing and final product packaging in order to ultimately provide consumers with a reliable product. An important measure to achieve the harmonization and transparency of textile labels.

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