How is the BSCI certification fee calculated?-The Leading Factory Audit & Inspection Consulting Company from China to Asia | TRANWIN


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How is the BSCI certification fee calculated?

Source: TRANWIN 2019-08-28 15:10 by admin How is the BSCI certification fee calculated? Read: 3150

The BSCI certification fee is the payment of the fees required for the audit and qualification work and will be directly agreed between the BSCI members and their suppliers. In principle, the costs of auditing and re-auditing should be borne by the audited company. However, it is up to the BSCI members to decide who must pay for all the costs of the audit and qualification. Let's move on to the topic.

How is the BSCI certification fee calculated?

Generally, the number of days for BSCI certification is based on the size of the factory:

Factory Size | Initial Audit | Re-audit

1-100 workers 1.5 days 1 day

101-250 workers 2.5 days 1 day

251-500 workers 3 days 1 day

501-750 workers 3.5 days 1 day

751-1000 workers 4 days 2 days

More than 1001 workers 4.5 days 2 days

The two points we should pay particular attention to are: the initial audit of the BSCI audit includes a 0.5-day audit plan and reporting time; the factors such as the organization of the company, the size of the company, the number of employees, and the number of sub-contractors of the company may lead to data ( There is a deviation in the number of audit days corresponding to the number of people. This deviation is subject to the contract between the customer and the audit supplier.

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