Why are companies doing WRAP certification in full swing?-The Leading Factory Audit & Inspection Consulting Company from China to Asia | TRANWIN


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Why are companies doing WRAP certification in full swing?

Source: TRANWIN 2019-06-26 16:00 by admin Why are companies doing WRAP certification in full swing? Read: 1324

WRAP-Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production. It is the world's largest independent certification program, focusing on clothing, footwear and sewing textiles.

What are benefits for the the enterprises in promoting WRAP certification?

1. Meet the mandatory requirements of customers;

2. Improved existing social responsibility management;

3. Respect the life of employees and strengthen their corporate image;

4. Improve the competitiveness of enterprises;

5. The degree of harm exposed to the workplace can be alleviated;

6. Enhance the cohesiveness of the company and achieve a win-win situation for both employers and employees;

7. Comprehensive integration of quality, environmental and social responsibility management systems;

8. Develop cost-effective preventive measures for accidents and losses;

9. Comply with international trends and pursue sustainable business operations;

10. Improve relations with trade unions and related stakeholders;

11. Obtain WRAP certification and reduce COC inspection;

The WRAP Certification Program believes in factory-based certification to ensure that workplaces are in line with WRAP's production principles.

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