Under what circumstances, Target will incur a fine?-The Leading Factory Audit & Inspection Consulting Company from China to Asia | TRANWIN


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Under what circumstances, Target will incur a fine?

Source: 2019-08-22 12:13 by admin Under what circumstances, Target will incur a fine? Read: 1246

Under what circumstances, a fine will be imposed by Target?

Target audit has a maximum of three opportunities, which are based on the initial audit of the factory to determine whether the re-aduit should be half a year or a year. Target pays the first and second audit fees (There is no fee for the first inspection). 

After the second time, if the factory needs to be re-audited, the factory or supplier will have to pay the additional audit fee. If there is no serious violation of the rules for the first time, it will be an re-audit arranged in 12-18 months. 

If the facility fails the second time, there will be a fine of 5,000 US dollars as the penalty.

If the facility fails the third time, there will be a fine of 5,000 US dollars and it will be deactivated for 1 year, as the penalty.

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