Frequently Asked Questions about WRAP Certification-The Leading Factory Audit & Inspection Consulting Company from China to Asia | TRANWIN


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Frequently Asked Questions about WRAP Certification

Source: TRANWIN 2019-06-22 16:19 by admin Frequently Asked Questions about WRAP Certification Read: 1073

1. Who can participate in the WRAP certification program?

Participation in WRAP certification must be an independent production unit. Parent companies, brands or retailers are not eligible to apply. In addition, our certification program focuses on sewing, apparel, footwear and related industries.

2. Which companies accept WRAP certificates?

More than 100 buyers, brands and retailers worldwide accept WRAP certificates, although they differ in their social responsibility programs. WRAP is still recognized as an independent certification program for the sewing industry. Some companies may choose to replace their own audits with WRAP certificates, while others may only accept WRAP certificates from factories that have already conducted their first audits; some companies may also accept WRAP certificates only in certain countries, or only accept themselves. The business part of the franchise authorization, or only the WRAP certificate obtained by the factory audited by the designated audit company.

3. How do production companies get WRAP certificates?

WRAP certification involves five steps. First, the manufacturer needs to fill out the initial application form and pay the registration fee on the WRAP website. Then the manufacturer will self-assess whether it meets the 12 principles of WRAP. The next step is to have our approved audit company go to the factory for field audit. After the audit is completed, WRAP will decide whether to issue the certificate based on the results of the audit report received.

4. How can I find out if a factory is WRAP certified?

Certified factory companies can be viewed on WRAP's world map. Please note that it is only authorized to authorize WRAP to be posted on the online certification factory.

5. How long does it take to get a WRAP certificate?

The time to obtain a certificate depends on the preparation at the time of the factory application. The factory may be certified in as little as six weeks, but in most cases it will be issued 2-6 months after the application is submitted. Each registration is valid for 6 months, so if the factory needs to complete the entire process for a longer period of time, then the registration fee should be re-delivered or the application should be extended.

6. Some brands claim to be WRAP certified, is this true?

No. Brands and retailers are unlikely to receive WRAP certification. Only independent production units can be certified.

7. How do I know if my clothes are made by a WRAP-certified factory?

This problem is obviously much more complicated than it seems on the surface, because it involves two parts. First of all, WRAP is not a consumer-oriented organization. We do not have a system to track the clothing and footwear produced by the certified factories. However, many brands and retailers have decided whether to purchase this item from WRAP certified factories on their website. But in general, the supply chain of clothing and footwear is long and complex, which makes it difficult to mark the entire product manufactured by WRAP certified factories. For example, although the final output of a shirt may be in a WRAP-certified factory, fabrics, buttons, or other components may not be manufactured by a WRAP-certified factory.

8. Can multiple factories in the group obtain a certificate?

No. Each independent production unit must be certified separately.

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