Adidas Audit Checklist-The Leading Factory Audit & Inspection Consulting Company from China to Asia | TRANWIN


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Adidas Audit Checklist

Source: 2019-09-17 10:20 by admin Adidas Audit Checklist Read: 3511

Adidas Audit Checklist-List of Document  For IA/IA Follow Up/PA . 

Important notes:

1.  All documents must be available during onsite visit ; Original (not copy) document should be available during on site visit , unless stated otherwise 

2. For documents listed in both Part A and Part B, factory can choose to submit in one worksheet only. 

3.  List can be added with any document needed specific by country for each part (A, B, C, D)

A. General Document

1. Business Registration 

2. Permits and Licenses mandatory by Local Regulation

3. Tax Registration

4. Social Insurance Registration Certificate, Housing Fund Contribution Registration Certificate, Social insurance payment records, commercial insurance, and Housing Fund payment records, etc.

5. i.Employee Hand Book (Factory rules, Employee assessment 

system, Punishment and reward policy, Wage calculation policy, Employee benefits policy, Resign procedure, etc.

6. Company Profile

7. Employee Breakdown Number / Total Workforce in the factory (i.e. number employee per department, male, females, temporary, permanent, etc.) 

8. Factory Floor Plan/Emergency Layout of all areas 

9. Organization Chart (HR , HSE and  compliance team) & Job Description

10. Labor & HSE Training Document/Records for the last 6 - 12 months which include certification (if any)

B.  Labor and Other Related Document

1. Employment Files / Records (will  be randomly selected by auditor)

a. Template of Employment Contract

b. Employee register/Application form

c. Copy of employee identification card & age proof document

d. Copy of Passport / Work Permit (if any for foreign workers)

e.Juvenile workers list,Juvenile workers physical examination records

f. Copy of employees other related doc i.e. leave records, reward records, warning letter, etc. (if any)

g. Others (please list out): 

(1)Employee training need asessment, Training procedure, training plan, training records 

(2) Recruit post and hiring policy, procedures

2. Local Minimum Wage Standard/Decree;Social insurance baseline and contribution regulations; Local Work Hours Standard/Decree and/or Internal Company Wage Structure

3. Payroll & Working Hours documents/records for the last 6  to 12 months   - related to:

a. Time card / Attendance Records / Print Out of employee's time in & out

b. Overtime Request / Consent Letter

c. Waiver of Overtime Hours from Legal Authority (If any)

d. Status of Overall Working Hours Report for the last 6  to 12 months

e. Pay Slip

f. Bank Transfer Records


(1)Employee monthly flow rate, employee resign records and application

(2)Salary's payment for exit workers, severance package payment, etc.

h. Bonus/other payment record (if any)

i. Others payment i.e. annual leave, festivity allowances, transport  allowance , etc. (If any, please mention)

4. Leaves Records of all kind of leaves / Summary  of Leaves Taken

5. Status of Disciplinary Records for the last 6  to 12 months (i.e. Warning Letter Log Book), Record of Verbal Warning, Written Warning, Demotion and Termination.

6. List of newly hired employees for the last 3 months  & its status (i.e. intern / trainers / probation)

7. Registration of Union / Employee Representative to local authority (if any)

8. Consent letter from employees for union dues (if any)

9. Records of Grievance system i.e. Suggestion box, hotline channels, etc. (if any)

C. Health Safety Environmental and Other Related Document

1. Updated Relevant HSE regulation

2. Permit/License for Machine/Equipment, Facility, Operator & Regular Monitoring Records

a. Boiler and operator

b. Power Generator  / Emergency Power Machine and operator

c. Forklift, Freight Lift, Compressor, Hand Lift, Welder, etc.

d. License for electrical installation, lighting conductor, etc.

e. Inspection records related to local law (i.e. fire extinguishers, emergency lights, fire alarms, smoke detectors, sprinklers, etc.)

f. Fire Safety Permit / License

g. Building Construction Certification / License

h. Environmental Certification / Disposal License and permit / Registration Report/Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Report / Approval of Environmental Impact Assessment

i. Regular workplace monitoring : drinking water, waste water, noise, air quality  (as required by local law)  etc.

j. Hazardous waste treatment certifications, like transition records, operation permits,and Incinerator operation permit if applicable) 

3. Health &  Safety Committee / Officer Registration & Report to Local Authority

4. Health & Safety Risk Assessment Report, OH Effect-assessment or Regular assessment Report

5. Certification / License for  in house clinic and Doctor / Nurses / Paramedics / First Aider (If any) 

6. Food and Drink Service Permit,Canteen hygiene certificate, kitchen staff physical examination records/MoU with Canteen Providers (If available)

7. Accident, Incident and  Occupational Diseases Record for last 12 months

8. Copy of summary of medical check up or/and specific check up especially with employees work in hazardous condition (if any) 

9. MSDS List / Chemical Inventory (refer to attached form)

10. Fire and Evacuation Drill records within 6 months

11. OHSAS 18001 and ISO14001 if applicable

12. Labor and HSE internal audit records 

13. Water abstraction permit if applicable

14. SEA workers Hotline Poster

15. Qualified suppliers list

D. Specialized Areas (if Available)

Pregnant Employees, Person with Disability (PWD), Migrant Employees, Juvenile Employees and Outsource Employees. 

1. Permit / License related with pregnant, PWD, Migrant, Juvenile Employees and Outsource Employees ( as required by local law)

2. List of the Pregnant, PWD, Migrant, Juvenile Employees and Outsource Employees in the factory (include country of origin for migrant employees). Current job position for pregnant and juvenile; Age proof documents for Juvenile. 

3. Contract Agreement  with Recruitment Agent / Service Provider (if any)

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TEL: 0086-21-51029391 


ADD: No. 655 Yinxiang Road, Nanxiang Town, Jiading District, Shanghai

The Leading Factory Audit Consulting Company from China to Asia
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