What is the scoring standard for WCA audit results?-The Leading Factory Audit & Inspection Consulting Company from China to Asia | TRANWIN


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What is the scoring standard for WCA audit results?

Source: TRANWIN 2019-06-25 14:19 by admin What is the scoring standard for WCA audit results? Read: 1569

How are the four levels of WCA audit results divided?

The results of the WCA audit are divided into three grades, red orange yellow green light, and more than 85 green light. It is difficult to meet the requirements in one audit. The documentation of the social responsibility system and the environmental system in the WCA audit process is very demanding and will be ignored in many cases.

Green (85-100 points): Most requirements are met (DG85 points or more) .

Yellow (71-84 points): Part of the medium-risk problem is required to be met, and the English abbreviation must be submitted within 15 days of the Correction Plan (CAP). Follow-up review in the days to come.

Orange (51-70 points): Low standard, usually followed up in 90 days.

Red (0-50 points): Very low standard.

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