Explanation of some terms in RDS certification-The Leading Factory Audit & Inspection Consulting Company from China to Asia | TRANWIN


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Explanation of some terms in RDS certification

Source: TRANWIN 2019-07-24 17:15 by admin Explanation of some terms in RDS certification Read: 1407


Explanation of some terms in RDS certification

1. Venue - means a farm or facility within the scope of this standard.

2. Slaughterhouse - refers to any place where slaughtering live birds obtain feathers. The slaughter process can be carried out in any small or large manual or mechanical slaughter.

3. Small farms - Farms that are farmed by individuals or farms rather than owned by the company. These animals are farmed for personal consumption, not for commercial or export.

4. Non-advance notice audit - is a surprise audit, the audit agency will give a two-month deadline, which can be reviewed at any time during this period.

5. Commercial farm - means that the company owns waterfowl and is sold by meat.

7. Pre-processing place - refers to the behavior of the down processing, such as drying, pre-dispensing, washing, inspection, packaging and so on.

8. Scope of Certification – A document issued by a certification body to certify that a designated location meets the criteria for producing the product.

9. Semi-Notification Review - Refers to up to 72 hours of notice review to ensure that the facility is open and that relevant personnel are present.

10. Confirmation of the audit time - refers to less than one hour notice in advance, visual inspection of animal welfare compliance, and whether there is no need for animals.

12. Farming – Refers to any place where poultry and poultry are farmed.

13. Forced feeding - refers to any feeding that forces the birds to exceed their needs. In particular, manual interventions that use mechanical equipment (transfusion tubes) to increase the liver fat required for foie gras are not allowed.

14. Trader - The entity that conducts RDS down commodity trading in the supply chain between the down source and the retailer of the final product, does not bear the cargo ownership agent and the retailer that only sells to the end customer is not a trader.

15. Transaction Certificate TC – refers to the traceability document provided by the certification body that can prove that the goods are transported from one organization to the next and meets the “RDS Down Responsibility Standard”. The transaction certificate is issued when the ownership of the goods changes. Matches invoices and shipping documents. However, a transaction certificate may face the case of multiple transactions. The transaction certificate is applied to the corresponding certification body for issuance.

16. Warehouse - refers to the location and related facilities for collecting down and storing down.

17. Audit by notice - refers to the venue in advance to set the date of on-site audit.

18. Assemble - refers to the processing point of down into consumer goods (such as down jackets, sleeping bags, quilts, etc.).

19. Certification Body (CB) - means a third party authorized to perform inspections and audits in accordance with the provisions of this standard.

20. RDS certified products - RDS certified products include 100% certified waterfowl; 100% RDS certified waterfowl down; mixed waterfowl down contains 5%-99% certified raw materials; no finals containing non-RDS certified waterfowl are allowed The product uses the RDS logo label.

21. Chain of custody – refers to a system of systems or records used to ensure the entire regulatory process of RDS incoming materials from transport to production to finished goods, and the chain of custody is used to ensure consistency of incoming identity.

22. Hair sellers - individuals or businesses that collect down from farmers and trade with other vendors, down jackets or other processing sites. The hawker can independently certify the RDS and can also perform contracts with other processing sites. It can be a multi-level hawker. In the RDS certification standard, the registered hawkers are small hawkers collected from the farmers and registered by the big hawker.

23. Audit – refers to a means of verifying compliance with the RDS standard.

24. Content Declaration Form TE (CCS) - CCS is a chain of custody standard used to track and verify one or more specific materials for the final product. For example, organic textile CCS and GRS product raw materials CCS.

25. Or pull down - refers to any act of obtaining hair removal from live birds. For the RDS standard, it also includes any form of peeling.

26. Breeding farms - refers to any place where the poultry maintains the raw eggs. The responsibility of the down RDS standard from the poultry farm to collect the down at any time, must pass the auditor's approval, is the compliant RDS down.

27. Down - refers to the quality feathers located under the feathers of the bird. Simply put, this standard applies to down and feathers.

28. Parallel production - refers to the same location RDS certified and non-RDS certified.

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