What are the differences between RCS certification and GRS certification?-The Leading Factory Audit & Inspection Consulting Company from China to Asia | TRANWIN


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What are the differences between RCS certification and GRS certification?

Source: TRANWIN 2019-06-22 15:58 by admin What are the differences between RCS certification and GRS certification? Read: 7408

Recycling declaration standard - RCS certification, is another recycling standard introduced by (TE) Textile Trading Organization in 2013, which is used to provide certification basis for products using recycled raw materials. Suitable for products with a recycled raw material content of 5% or more. Certified corporate information can be found on the TE-Textile Trading Organization website.

The global recycling standard, GRS certification, is developed for the needs of the textile industry to verify recycled products or certain specific products. More importantly, let retailers and consumers know which parts of a particular product are recycled materials and how to handle them in the supply chain. GRS certification provides a tracking and certification system to ensure that your commitment to the product is effectively fulfilled.

The new GRS certification is a three-level standard. According to the recycling standards, it is divided into copper standard, silver standard and gold standard. The gold standard requires that the product contain 95%-100% recycled materials, and the silver standard products include 70% - 95% recycled materials, while copper standard products need to contain not less than 30% recycled materials.

The GRS certification applies to products with a recycled raw material content between 20% and 100%.

GRS-certified products must display a percentage of recycled content and will be labeled with appropriate gold, silver, and copper GRS. In addition to raw material specifications, this standard also covers environmental processing standards, including stringent wastewater treatment requirements and chemicals. The use, as well as the Global Organic Textile Standards (GOTS), etc., are also included in the GRS to protect workers' health and safety. The implementation of GRS certification is global.

RCS is also a certification for global recycling standards, but only 5% or more of the recyclables are needed, and no environmental and social responsibility audits are required.

It can be said that GRS is a higher standard based on RCS.

The differences between RCS certification and GRS certification are as follows:

1. GRS is an advanced version of RCS: RCS products can use GRS certified raw materials, but GRS products cannot use RCS raw materials.

2. GRS is suitable for products with a recycled raw material content of 20% and more.

3. GRS adds environmental and social responsibility requirements based on RCS requirements.

4. The certification marks are different.

5. GRS has requirements for the chemicals used in the process, while RCS does not.

In summary, the main differences between the two are:

Different recycling content: The recycled content of GRS certification needs more than 20%; and the RCS certified recycled content only needs 5% or more.

Environmental and Social Responsibility Audit: GRS requires environmental and social responsibility audits; RCS does not require environmental and social responsibility audits.

Whether factories or enterprises should choose GRS certification or RCS certification, which depends on the needs of customers and the conditions of the products themselves.

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