What are onsite requirements of the BSCI factory audit?-The Leading Factory Audit & Inspection Consulting Company from China to Asia | TRANWIN


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What are onsite requirements of the BSCI factory audit?

Source: 2019-11-11 09:06 by admin What are onsite requirements of the BSCI factory audit? Read: 1538

The onsite requirements of the BSCI factory audit as follows:

1. Dormitory/housing situation (such as dormitory provided to employees);

2. Fire-fighting equipment, fire extinguishers and their installation places;

3. Machines, electrical equipment and generators;

4. Sanitary facilities (toilet, restroom and drinking facilities);

5. Steam generator and steam discharge pipe;

6. Necessary benefits and amenities, such as: first aid kits, eating areas, child care homes, wards, tea areas, etc.;

7. Emergency exits, escape routes and their marking/signing cards;

8. Room temperature, ventilation and lighting;

9. Issues related to safety and health: equipment, personnel, training, etc.;

10. Overall cleaning and hygiene.

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