The initial social responsibility BSCI certification audit-The Leading Factory Audit & Inspection Consulting Company from China to Asia | TRANWIN


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The initial social responsibility BSCI certification audit

Source: 2019-08-28 15:10 by admin The initial social responsibility BSCI certification audit Read: 680

The initial audit of BSCI certification is a very important part of BSCI's supervisory system for suppliers. However, it must be emphasized that each audit is only an impression of the situation at the time. The audit is only to confirm the extent to which the supplier is meeting the minimum social standards and other requirements. This only completes the beginning of the BSCI process. The BSCI believes that it is more important to develop corrective actions to improve and improve the overall social responsibility performance before and during the audit.

The social responsibility audit report is completed on the basis of the audit. It includes audit results and recommendations for corrective actions. This has a very important role for suppliers in the following aspects:

1. Show where and where to take measures to improve social responsibility performance;

2. Analyze the current location and timeline of the actions required by the company to obtain any of the BSCI trading partners;

3. Analyze the company's current social responsibility performance;

4. Display the location of the company currently in the completion of the BSCI requirements;

5. The Social Audit Report also provides a way for suppliers to demonstrate the performance of their corporate social responsibility to relevant retail companies or other potential customers.

Initial review

The initial audit of BSCI is conducted in a uniform manner. Standardized questionnaires and assessment forms are used in each review. This ensures that all suppliers are fair and that the quality of the audit is at a consistently high level.

Each audit behavior consists of the following parts A, B, and C:

Part A: Recording key data: business and main data of the supplier company

Part B: BSCI reviews, records and evaluates compliance with the most basic social responsibility and environmental protection requirements. The review of Part B and the corrective action plan based on Part B are within the scope of the mandatory implementation.

Part C: Documenting and evaluating industry best practices, Part C audits must be performed, but the implementation of corrective action plans under Part C is voluntary. This is not required to establish and maintain a business relationship with a retailer company participating in BSCI. However, it is recommended for companies that are likely to meet SA8000 or other equivalent certification standards.

Factory audit order

This depends on the supplier's BSCI member's business partner, and the supplier or BSCI member trading partner issues an audit order to the SAAS-approved auditing company. At the time of the release of the order, the supplier is required to clearly indicate that they are required to conduct an audit in accordance with the BSCI Code of Conduct.

Audit company

Only the auditing company and its auditors certified by SAAS can perform the BSCI audit (please refer to the list of auditing companies certified by SAAS).

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