The Decathlon Factory Audit Process-The Leading Factory Audit & Inspection Consulting Company from China to Asia | TRANWIN


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The Decathlon Factory Audit Process

Source: TRANWIN 2019-07-30 16:14 by admin The Decathlon Factory Audit Process Read: 2444

The Decathlon factory audit process is as follows:

Child labor verification

1. Pick up small-looking employees during the factory inspection process.

2. Spot check in the personnel file 3. Select 25 workers for interviews.

4. In the course of the interview, there are inconsistent information according to the cross-checking of the personnel files.

5. When a child is found (current or historical), the worker's job number, name, date of birth, and date of entry must be registered.

The purpose of the interview interview with workers:

1. Understand the actual operation of the factory from the worker level

2. Obtain information that is not available in other processes and the consistency of the documents in question.

3. A more in-depth understanding of the interview area (EIQ) for abnormal areas.

Number of interviewed workers = 25% of the total number of factories, but no more than 25 workers. The expansion of the number of interviewed workers depends on the requiring of more in-depth understanding, when violations, such as family work, false accounts, workers' identification documents and workers' actual answers inconsistencies, and so on are found.

Selection process:

1. 50% of workers are selected during the factory inspection process.

2. Young workers.

3. Pick from all departments

4. Workers who work overtime.

5. Workers with low wages.

6. Young workers.

7. Old workers are not open

8. If conditions permit, the gender ratio should be equal and the race equal.

9. Dangerous post workers.

10. 50% of workers are selected from payroll, work card and document review.

Interviews must be conducted in a one-on-one manner in the absence of managers. Workers must be informed that all interviews are confidential and that the names of the workers who reflect the problems cannot appear on the report. And group interviews are not allowed.

Interview skills:

Friendlyness makes workers relax and open their minds; EIQ serves as a guide, but it is not limited to face-to-face interviews.

Last meeting:

1. Inform management that the review has been completed.

2. Return the borrowed documents for review

3. Thanks for their support and cooperation in reviewing.

Explain the problems found, answer factory questions, and write improvement plan confirmation (CAPAR) education and provide best operational guidelines for improvement to help the factory meet the requirements of the Code.

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TEL: 0086-21-51029391 


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The Leading Factory Audit Consulting Company from China to Asia
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