What is WCA certification?-The Leading Factory Audit & Inspection Consulting Company from China to Asia | TRANWIN


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What is WCA certification?

Source: 原创 2019-07-25 17:32 by admin What is  WCA certification? Read: 7503

WCA (Workplace Conditions Assessment) provide cost-effective solutions for companies that are committed to improving plant conditions while helping them meet widely recognized industry standards and best practices.

The WCA audit standard adjusts the GSCP standards adopted by large retail organizations. Based on Intertek's deep social responsibility compliance service experience, WCA has become a powerful tool to help companies implement supplier factory assessment, benchmarking, and continuous improvement. The online platform built by Intertek makes the review process smoother and more intelligent, greatly improving the efficiency of supply chain members.

The WCA certification quanlification: above 85 points.

The price charged by ITS is USD650/man-day+travelling+VAT.

The total number of factories is less than 300, which is 1man-day.

The total number of factories is 301-4000: 2man-day.

The WCA audit is concerned with the following:

Health and safety - overall work environment facilities, emergency response capabilities, work injuries, mechanical operation safety, potential work space crisis, chemical hazardous substances, accommodation environment and canteen facilities.

Management system - document and record keeping, worker feedback and participation, review and improvement measures.

Labor - child labor, forced labor, discrimination, discipline, harassment and abuse, workers' freedom of association and labor contract wages and working hours - remuneration and benefits, working hours.

Environment - Compliance with regulatory requirements, environmental management systems, waste and gas emissions.

Additional explanation: WCA audit is a social responsibility audit developed by ITS much easier than ICTI. WCA is a system similar to a checklist. The WCA audit standard adjusts the GSCP standards adopted by large retail organizations and has become a powerful tool to help companies implement supplier factory assessments, benchmarks, and continuous improvement.

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