What are the rating results of the Home Depot quality audit?-The Leading Factory Audit & Inspection Consulting Company from China to Asia | TRANWIN


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What are the rating results of the Home Depot quality audit?

Source: 2019-09-26 09:13 by admin What are the rating results of the Home Depot quality audit? Read: 773

The rating results of the Home Depot quality audit are as follows:

1. The test results are expressed in fractions. There are 4 grades: A: 100-90, B: 89.9-80, C: 79.9-70, D: 70 or less.

2. The two grades A and B indicate that the factory meets the requirements of Home Depot and can accept orders.

3. The C rating indicates that the factory has some requirements, but the corrective action must be taken to get the order. Maybe, until the correction is acceptable, the order will be available.

4. The D grade does not meet the requirements. The company has to accept a new audit. Only when the new audit meets the requirements of Home Depot will the order be placed. A type D plant must wait until it is re-examined, and all costs for re-auditing are at the factory's expense.

Although the factories with A, B, or C are qualified, there will be improvement and preventive tests. After the report of the place where the improvement is needed is sent to the factory, the factory must give a solution within 3 working days. If the correction has not been completed within 60 days, it will be regarded as “standby”.

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