What is the SEDEX certification application process?-The Leading Factory Audit & Inspection Consulting Company from China to Asia | TRANWIN


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What is the SEDEX certification application process?

Source: TRANWIN 2019-06-13 14:08 by admin What is the SEDEX certification application process? Read: 1003

SEDEX is the abbreviation of Supplier Ethical Data Exchange. Shanghai TRANWIN can help you quickly pass SEDEX certification.

The SEDEX certification process includes five parts: initial meeting, document review, on-site audit, employee interview, and review and summary meeting.

The specific process is as follows:

1. Initial meeting: Introduce the purpose, time schedule and operation method of the audit, list the documents needed, introduce the specific details of the on-site audit and employee interviews, and answer the questions from the factory representatives.

2. On-site audit: The auditor conducts a series of inspections on the fire protection facilities, maintenance of the machinery and equipment, ventilation and lighting work in the work area, and environmental protection work to ensure that the above projects meet the auditing standards of the audit.

3. Document data review: The auditor inspects the documents of the factory according to the requirements of the inspection, including the employee's wage hours record, employee information, and other production records. All documents and documents are required to be kept for the last 12 months. 3 months must meet the requirements.

4. Employee interviews: The list of employee interviewers is drawn from the on-site and personnel data. It is mainly biased towards some younger and more honest employees. The employee interviews are conducted independently, and the factory representatives are not allowed to intervene.

5. Review and summary meeting: The auditor issues an interim audit report, summarizes the problems existing in the factory and the areas that need improvement. If necessary, it may need to follow up the audit, depending on the seriousness of the problem.

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