What is SLCP certification audit?-The Leading Factory Audit & Inspection Consulting Company from China to Asia | TRANWIN


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What is SLCP certification audit?

Source: 2019-08-27 09:01 by admin What is SLCP certification audit? Read: 2387

SLCP uses a multi-stakeholder and inclusive organization and approach. Signatories include manufacturers, retailers and brands, agents and audit firms/service providers, as well as organizations in the public sector, standard holders, civil society organizations and multi-stakeholder organizations with an interest in converging assessments and improving labor and social conditions. 

SLCP will be accountable to signatories through an annual meeting (annual general assembly). Find a comprehensive list of our signatories by scrolling up to our Signatories section.

The SLCP (Social & Labor Convergence Program) has developed a Convergence Assessment Framework (CAF) to support stakeholders in improving the working conditions of the global apparel and footwear supply chain. The CAF consists of a data collection tool, a verification protocol, and a verifier guide. The SLCP data collection tools and verification methods are designed to replace current social responsibility audit tools to reduce audit fatigue and save resources to implement improvement plans.

In addition, the plain language is used to explain that many buyers in the footwear industry support the use of a corporate social responsibility standard. After the factory completes the SLCP self-assessment, the third-party agency (or the buyer's own) verifiers self-assess the factory. The content is verified and the verified report is shared through a third-party hosting platform (ie a third-party IT platform) or a SLCP gateway (simplely understood as SLCP's own IT platform).

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