What are the differences between SCS certification and GSV certification?-The Leading Factory Audit & Inspection Consulting Company from China to Asia | TRANWIN


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What are the differences between SCS certification and GSV certification?

Source: TRANWIN 2019-07-06 13:20 by admin What are the differences between SCS certification and GSV certification? Read: 1971

SCS certification is usually called SCS audit.

The main differences between SCS certification and GSV certification are as follows:

The initiators of the two are different: the SCS audit was initiated by Wal-Mart; and the GSV certification was initiated by ITS.

The details of the two are different: SCS audit and GSV certification, because the developers, starting points, etc. are different, so the content will be different. 

The subject of execution is different at the time of audit: GSV is performed by ITS, while SCS is not necessarily, it may be ITS audit, or it may be performed by other certification body.

Finally, there are other differences, such as certificates.沃尔玛.jpg

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