Starbucks Audit Checklist-The Leading Factory Audit & Inspection Consulting Company from China to Asia | TRANWIN


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Starbucks Audit Checklist

Source: 2019-09-09 10:11 by admin Starbucks Audit Checklist Read: 1794

Starbucks Document list for COC audit

  1. Factory profile

  2. Organization Chart 

  3. Factory’s plane figure – factory floor plans

  4. Subcontractor / supplier evaluation program & the records 

  5. Business license 

  6. Employee manual / handbook 

  7. Disciplinary practices & program 

  8. Dormitory regulations 

  9. Personal records/ employment registration (all employees) 

  10. Labor contracts (all employees)

  11. Entrance & Annual health examination reports

  12. Young worker registration approval from local labor bureau / shifts arrangement for young workers 

  13. Consolidated working hours permit by local labor bureau 

  14. Social security insurance (injury/retirement/medical/unemployment etc.) payment evidence / approval from local government

  15. Leave request notification

  16. Resignation records 

  17. Warning notification letters

  18. Time cards/attendance records 

  19. Production records of piece rate workers

  20. Legal/local official minimum wage document

  21. Payroll record (past half year’s payroll journals) 

  22. Pay slips with employees’ signatures 

  23. Wage deduction/fine records 

  24. Building structure safety certificate/legal real estate certificate 

  25. Building fire safety certificate

  26. Health and safety policy 

  27. Health and safety training program & record

  28. Safety officer certificate 

  29. Fire officer Certificate/trained first aider certificate 

  30. Fire drill program & records and fire evacuation plan & procedure /first aid training records 

  31. Register of elevator & lift and annual inspection certificate

  32. Specialized safety training certificate (valid safety operation certificate of elevator/lift/forklift vehicle /qualified electrician/electric welding operator certificate) 

  33. Qualified mechanics certificate 

  34. Register of pressure vessels & boilers and annual inspection certificate

  35. Operator / attendant certificate of pressure vessels & boilers

  36. Approval certificate of Chemical warehouse/ register &storage records/ MSDS of dangerous materials

  37. Qualified certificate for the keeper of dangerous Chemical warehouse

  38. Environment protection quality monitoring & testing report

  39. Noise monitoring & test report of power generator

  40. Environment assessment report on factory projects /permit certificate of waste emission /waste monitoring & test records

  41. Legal hygiene certificate of canteen & health certificate of canteen workers

  42. Qualified certificate of doctor or nurse

  43. Accident, injury report & records / recurrence avoiding measures

  44. Security guard regulation & job description /security guard certificate

  45. Meeting minutes of union /selection program and responsibility of workers’ Rep 

The PDF version of 'Starbucks Audit Document list' is as follows:

Starbucks Document list for COC audit.pdf

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The Leading Factory Audit Consulting Company from China to Asia
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